diabetes care

  1. shafiulbashar

    How Diabetes is Diagnosed?

    Diabetes is diagnosed by taking a medical history, conducting a physical exam, and observing symptoms. A person with diabetes will typically exhibit signs of high blood sugar levels like frequent urination, thirst, excessive hunger, or blurred vision. Other common symptoms include weight loss...
  2. ImogenF

    Referral Waiting Times

    Hi everyone, I am hoping to try and establish how long is acceptable to wait for a Type 1 diabetes referral to go through. I was under the Sheffield team until September last year and have been referred through my GP to Manchester hospitals - and am still yet to hear anything. I've chased it...
  3. ColinUK

    First diabetic nurse appointment coming up

    As the title suggests I’ve got my first appointment coming up (next Monday so I’m not going to stress about it!) with the diabetes nurse. I’m curious what I should expect to be discussed and to happen so any guidance or hints would be gratefully received :)
  4. Diabetes UK

    Patient Involvement Event - Oxfordshire CCG

    Diabetes UK is working with Oxfordshire CCG, to help transform the care that people living with diabetes receive across the county. We know that people have different experiences of care and that there is room to improve the outcomes for people living with diabetes in Oxfordshire. But as the...