
  1. T

    Tired of this life

    I’m a diabetic with combined ADHD got diagnosed with T1 when I was 12 I’m about to 27 this summer. My country isn’t big on mental health and only just started asking me how I’m doing 14 years later. I’ve always felt so alone as no body ever understands me, I gave up taking good care of...
  2. Scsusanne

    Need help ! HBA1C is going the wrong way

    My hba1c is 86, I’ve lost 5stone yes I have 5 stone to go it’s going down but I’m eating healthy any ideas what I’m doing wrong ! All I read is eat healthy, fitness and take your medication. I’m on the slow release metformin, anyone any ideas to help me ! So depressed I’m depressed about it !!
  3. S

    Survey- How has diabetes affected your mood and eating habits?

    Hi everyone! I hope you are well. I am a final year pharmacy student conducting research on the impact of diabetes on mood and eating habits. If you have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are over the age of 18, i would greatly appreciate if you could fill out my survey below. Every...
  4. L

    Work Struggles

    Hi everybody, Looking for a chit chat or advice about the struggles of working - I’ve been Type 1 Diabetic for just over 10 years now and was diagnosed at 12 y/o. Turning 23 in a few months but I have started on the long term effects of T1D now with peripheral neuropathy, kidney problems and...
  5. Bricky1991

    Scared. Hiding. Depressed

    Hi, I’m new here - I’ve just got back from a diabetic clinic. I was diagnosed two years ago at 25 with type 2 diabetes. For a long time I’ve buried my head in the sand. Why me? Woe is me etc...etc. I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I haven’t done anything about it but ashamed that I’d let myself...
  6. J

    Help Needed

    I’m a girl who is soon to be 17 and I’ve had type 1 diabetes for nearly five years now, it was pretty much smooth sailing for the first 4 years and then I seem to hit this brick wall and I’ve struggled with my diabetes ever since. To put it plain and simple I hate it, i hate the constant blood...
  7. W

    simple spike avoidance diet. burnt out

    i'm type 1 for 15 years plus. i want a simple carb i can use for all meals that is low gi. at present i eat 100% rye bread, oats uncooked, or brown basmati rice. brown basmati gives me spikes i think. have beginnings of retinopathy so wondering if there is a simple diet. a boring diet. that...
  8. H

    Newbie to the site. 9yrs with T1!

    Hi! I officially hate diabetes. Like passionately hate the condition. I suffer from anxiety and depression. Doesn't help I have a benign brain cyst too so when I am suffering from a migraine I can't eat so always running high. Last hba1c was 12.0 lowest it's been in a few years but still, the...