
  1. M

    Experiences with Dapagliflozin

    Hi, My name's Mikey, just turned 40 and was diagnosed with T2 in September 2022 (with a reading of 106!) Was put on max dosage Metformin, which I didn't react well to so i asked to go on the slow release version which worked better. Had an appointment a couple of weeks ago and hba1c now down to...
  2. tattyjacket

    Changed meds to Dapagliflozin

    Hi Forum, I was first diagnosed in 2003. Since then I've had excellent control of my sugars.....Metforming and Repaglinide. Sadly, my recent blood tests showed a rise in my sugar levels. My practice nurse changed my meds. I now take 2xMetformin twice a day and 1 Dapagliflozin in the morning...
  3. Northerner

    Triple therapy benefits type-1-diabetes patients by improving blood sugar control and weight loss

    Researchers have found a combination of three medications, dapagliflozin, liraglutide and insulin, to prove beneficial for people with type-1-diabetes in improving the status of their blood sugar control and lose weight. The study findings are important, said study senior researcher Paresh...