
  1. Feathers

    Has anyone done these Open University courses? (relevant to diabetes)

    Curious to hear your opinion if you have. The science of nutrition and healthy eating (free) - this is a general nutrition course, not specifically for diabetes. I think I'm going to take it - it's free, so nothing lost, and am curious to see how I get on studying stuff like this. Improving...
  2. Ralph-YK

    Mandatory courses

    I was at a Diabetes thing yesterday. Someone suggested that diabetes courses like Desmond should be mandatory. I don't take kindly to this. As far as I'm concerned, the problem at the moment is that Desmond, Xpert etc are not promoted. We are not told or encouraged to do them. Nor are we told...
  3. Vintage Lady

    Does any one know where to book a Daphne course?

    Hi, I'm looking for a Daphne course for my son. He will be attending Canterbury University in Kent, this September. Does anybody know of any contacts to see if courses can be held in that area. At the moment he lives in Dartford, Kent but he is relocating and living on campus at Canterbury...