
  1. V

    Cost of Looping Consumables? (Pump and Sensor)

    I would like to use this looping setup: Tandem t:slim insulin pump Dexcom G6 sensors How can I find out the cost of consumables? G6 sensors t:lock cartridges VariSoft infusion sets A bit of background: I live in the US, and plan to move to London early next year. I currently use an old...
  2. G

    What is the general opinion regarding CGMs, BG Meters and any which way comparisons?

    A search of DUK and this Forum in particular did not reveal what I am looking for, i.e., thoughts/comparisons between BG Meters and GSMs, and comparisons between different makes of GSMs. If you know differently please inform me. I admit that about 10-12 years ago, and AFAIK not suffering from...
  3. Ralph-YK

    Radio programme, paying for drugs

    There's just been a programme on BBC Radio 4, The Bottom Line, about the cost of drugs to the NHS. At some point it'll it on the web to download: Here: