controlling sugar levels

  1. pondita

    personalised instructor

    Hello all. I've been a LADA Type 1 since November 2020. I've taken the online courses, and studied studied. I've paid close attention to my diet. I've done all the research I can find to teach myself how to control my blood sugars. I've done all I can think to do on my own. But still, so...
  2. J


    At my last hospital checkup my hba1c was 5.6, the best I've ever had but my doc. suggested I tried moving from Lantus to Tresiba. I've not been on Tresiba for long but so far I have no control. Blood sugars jumping high to low and it's making me feel so down & frustrated! Has anybody else...
  3. B

    New Here :)

    Hello Everyone! My name is Barbora and i have had diabetes for 10 years now. I also just moved to England to study at a boarding school and to it I can say that my diabetes hasn't been quite in control lately. Do any of you have some tips on taking better care? I often find myself neglecting my...
  4. S

    Tiredness...Help Please

    Hello! I have been Diabetic for over 12 years now and my sugar control has dramatically improved since going on an insulin pump last year. This is great and I thought it would reduce my daily tiredness battle.... but it hasn't and I feel lethargic throughout the day on a regular basis. I have...
  5. EleanorDip95

    Recently diagnosed type one needing answers please!

    Hello, Apologies for long winded post. I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic on the 31/1/17. Started on Novorapid 7 units at mealtimes and 22 units Lantus background at night (2100hrs). Diagnosed as "diabetic" November 2016 but due to nurse doing wrong blood test I didn't find out my...