
  1. W

    Cold toast or hot toast which is better?

    What do others do? Been told about cooling certain foods like potatoes and pasta = resistance starch. What foods do you eat cold from cooked?
  2. Laura Jackson

    If someone in my household gets a cold...

    Then there is 100% chance I'm going to catch it off them and suffer with it for way longer. I try and avoid contact with the person but have yet to be successful in NOT catching their virus. Any tips?
  3. 1st Paradox

    The Dreaded Lurgy

    So, I woke up today with a rather bad cold/flu (can never tell how you know the difference), and it has totally wiped me out and is playing havoc with my readings. Im having a lot of trouble getting my levels down. I took a reading of 9.2 (this is in range for me atm) before bed and woke up...