
  1. ColinUK

    SD Codefree BG Monitor

    Just on my way out and the postman has delivered my first ever BG monitor. It’s such a tiny box for what seems like such a momentous... erm... moment I guess. I’ll open it later.
  2. D

    Very different readings from 2 meters

    I've been using a Nexus GlucoRX for the past 9 months and it seems to have been accurate - 5.1/5.2 fasting, down to 7 postprandial readings, lowest has been 4.0. But to save money, I've swtiched to the SD codefree yesterday, and found that the readings are about 10-15% higher on that, I've still...
  3. Ralph-YK

    Self-test, new meter

    Well I've got the SD CodeFree meter. (had it more than a week.) No idea about finger pricking though. I was at the support group last night and a member there got it out and had a go with me. And someone had a go today. Last night (maybe 7:30) 6.6. Today, ate at 1:20pm, test at 3:37pm 6.5...