closed loop insulin pump

  1. A

    Invitation to participate in Type 1 Diabetes research - The EAT Study

    Inviting South Asian Individuals in the UK! We need your support! Our study, “Expected Eating Habits of Type 1 Diabetic South Asian Patients with Prospective Use of Hybrid Closed Loop (Artificial Pancreas) - The EAT Study”, is seeking participants. If you’re an adult of South Asian origin, we’d...
  2. S

    Closed loop question - Cam APS v Control IQ

    Hi Pumpers, Does anyone have experience of using both of these closed loop systems please? I am potentially switching from one system to the other and I'd be interested to hear a comparison from someone who has used both as to what I might miss and gain in doing so. Thanks
  3. F

    Sensor costs for looping - advice/help

    Hi everyone, I am due a pump upgrade and my nurse wants to put me forward for a hybrid closed-loop system. I am 90% sure I want to go with the Ypsomed pump with CamAPS FX for my next pump. The funding for this would include: - the insulin pump - the consumables e.g. infusion sets - the CamAPS...
  4. Amity Island

    Has anyone seen this one? Just launched last week?

    Hi Everyone, Has anybody caught this in the news? The new medtronic virtual pancreas? The 670g closed loop insulin pump. I wrote to them last week asking if I could buy one...unfortunately it's not being sold yet in the UK so their answer was no, for now anyway. From what I have read it self...