carbohydrate counting

  1. P

    Carb / Insulin ratio

    Over the last week I have been intensively monitoring my glucose readings and counting carbs and adjusting my bolus dose. It turns out I need a carb/insulin ratio of 1:1. Yes, one unit of insulin for every gram of carbohydrate I consume. This seems rather high? Does anyone have any idea as to...
  2. Scarlet-M


    Hi, I'm 26 and I've been Type 1 for 17yrs now. I struggle with hypo unawareness. Have recently done the DAFNE course, and started Carb counting. I've had less hypo's since but sometimes still struggle. I'm going to the Harry Potter studios next week and I'm scared about getting my carbs wrong as...
  3. H

    Carb counting Smoothies

    Hello Does anyone know how to carb count a home made smoothie? I have an ileostomy and cant eat much fruit and veg but i can drink it Do i count the fruit before i blitz it or after? ie 25ml apple juice, half a small banana, 3 strawberries and 8 blueberries? thank you
  4. Initial-P

    Help me to create program

    thank you all for helping me