
  1. J

    Blood Glucose Levels

    I was diagnosed in January with a hba1c of 52, and my most recent was 53 in May. I’ve decided to go carb free/easy keto to get hba1c as low as I can and also lose the weight I need to lose to be healthy in general. I was asked to take daily glucose readings before a meal, but I’ve bought some...
  2. Lanny

    Any carb free or low carb meals ideas?

    So, I’m going through yet another patch of raised blood sugars that required increased doses of both basal & bolus doses of insulin & would like to have more carb free or low carb meals that need little or no bolus at all to help me keep things under control! I currently have only come across...
  3. K

    Newly diagnosed four year old

    Hi all, my little boy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on Monday and we are now back home after a few days in hospital. Luckily we seem to have got there fairly early on, before he got poorly, and we are now faced with a future of blood testing and insulin injections. He is being a bit of a...