
  1. A

    High Fat/Low Carb/Keto?

    Hi, I’m T2 (Metformin 500mg twice daily) and have started a high fat low carb plan. I’ve read that calorie restriction is important but with high fat that put pay to that. I’m not necessarily going for Keto (currently going for around 20g carbs daily) so am I likely to lose weight and keep BS...
  2. ColinUK

    Intermittent fasting - 5:2 etc.

    Just rewatched the Horizon episode with Michael Moseley exploring intermittent fasting (it’s the one that led to his publication of the 5:2 diet) and I’m curious if anyone has followed any of the IF protocols and has good results. He tries extended fasts (4 days with just water, black teas...
  3. M

    Sugar Tax

    I get the impression this is working to a limited degree but cannot help but feel it needs extending. We have a cafe selling milk shakes near us and a dedicated milk shake bar. Their concoctions though seem mighty unhealthy. Start with milk, added ice cream, add a Mars bar, whisk and top with...
  4. A

    Nuts for Diabetics

    I am newly diagnosed diabetic with a Blood sugar reading of 50. I have been having nuts for long time as they help me get good energy at work. But now i wish to know which Nuts are ok to eat for Diabetics and in what quantity on a daily basis? There is a lot of information on internet but...
  5. M

    Losing need help with counting calories

    I am trying to lose weight and have 12 lbs to lose. per the dietician. I am 76, have numerous allergies to foods [wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, herbs, spices, nuts, salicylates, onions, apples etc and coeliac]. It's not much to lose but hard. Can anyone help with this? Calories in 40 grams dry...