brain fog

  1. R

    Brain Fog - High for a long time now more normal ranges

    Hi there, Does anyone know if experiencing fatigue and brain fog is normal if you've had high blood sugar for a prolonged (months/weeks) hyper and then return to more normal levels? I wasn't aware I was so out of range but was made aware during latest tests and have taken steps to correct this...
  2. Ralph-YK

    Brain not working

    Ugh The brain just being there, kind of like you've not been sleeping enough, has been bad this month.
  3. L

    Brain fog related to carbs?

    Been reading about brain fog and how this could be related to having high levels of blood glucose in your body, making you tired, sluggish and very difficult to motivate yourself into doing anything. Realising now, that my carbs levels are quite high and that I should have more fruit and veg...