
  1. M

    Sweet and sour: how slavery, fake science and the love of profit got Britain hooked on sugar

    "Doctors have been warning of the health risks from sugar for almost 400 years. Here’s how we still ended up consuming so much of it..." - Author Pen Vogler...
  2. Chris Hobson

    A really useful book for newbie T2s

    I am currently in the process of re-reading the book 'Reverse your diabetes' by Dr. David Cavan. The book has been covered in the Recommended books section on this forum: But I think that the book really...
  3. W


    Hello Community. Bit of a bombshell yesterday being diagnosed with type2 diabetes. I’m taking it slowly as it’s bit difficult to to digest in one hit, pun intended. I wonder if anyone has any good low carb curry book recommendations please. Im thinking of batch freezing foods that work, whilst...
  4. R

    Hi I'm Rob and new to this site

    I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 18 months ago after I had been given steroids for a chest infection, I assume prior to this I had pre diabetes, the doctor has kept these details very sketchy. I pretended for all this period that I wasn't diabetic etc. and remained that way until 3 months...
  5. Martin9

    The Diabetes Code by Dr Jason Fung

    This book deals with Type 2 diabetes and is written by Dr Jason Fung who is recognised as one of the worlds leading experts on fasting for weight loss and Type 2 diabetes reversal. He argues that conventional treatments that rely on insulin and or other blood glucose lowering agents can actually...
  6. SadhbhFiadh

    Free book

    I have The Glycemic Index Diet for dummies. (NOT Glycemic load) Free to whoever wants it. I will post it at the weekend. Anyone in the UK, I meant. send me a private message with your details. S.
  7. Stefan Diabetes UK

    Books on living with diabetes list

    Wondered if anyone had any recommendations on books about living with diabetes? Diabetes UK are trying to put together a list of books to help people manage and live with diabetes, so be great to hear what you all think are good ones. We're looking for all sorts: from books for the newly...