blood sugar levels

  1. C

    Why is my blood sugar not going down?

    Hi all, I’ve been tracking my blood sugar daily & have had the following results: Monday: 9.5 Tuesday: 9.2 Wednesday: 8.9 Today: 9.1 My diet has been excellent, I have cut out all processed sugar & have done much more exercise than usual with yesterday doing almost 10k steps The...
  2. M

    Different blood sugar readings?

    Hey everyone, I joined here after struggling to find some answers hoping those with diabetes can probably answer it better than Google... So I bought a Glucometer after being worried about the risk level (I know last year I had a glucose of 98mg/dl in may and before that It was 94mg/dl in...
  3. G

    Hello - I'm new here and have a question

    Hi, I have had D2 for some times now, I controlled it through diet for a long time, I also have a auto immune problem and take medication for that. Due to my auto-immune problem I was put on steroids, this played havoc with my diabetes and I am now on metformin and was recently given a blood...
  4. B

    8 week blood sugar diet

    A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Type diabetes. Shortly afterwards I came across Michael Moseley's 8 week blood sugar diet and for the last 12 months nearly all of my meals have come from the 8 week blood sugar diet recipe book. During this period my weight has fallen from 18...