blood sugar control

  1. S

    Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and high blood glucose levels?

    I was diagnosed with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in 2019. Every time I have to use the toilet my sugars rise. They get extremely high, and won’t go down until I am off the toilet and even then I have to wait for a while until they do before I do a correction. I would message my DSNs but...
  2. DianeS

    Statins Question

    My GP has just prescribed statins for me, as my Cholesterol is slightly raised, and he thinks this is best for me. Picked the box of pills up today, and read in the leaflet that they can elevate blood sugar levels, and that diabetics should monitor their levels more carefully. Now, I do have a...
  3. C

    Struggle to work out without sugar crash

    Hi all, I'm a 29 yr old newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and although I feel like I'm starting to get better at controlling my blood sugar in normal life, I can't exercise without having a steep crash in my sugar level. I've seen some posts here by marathon runners, not even needing to eat...
  4. Lovinglife

    I've made a video on my journey to long term remission with type 2 and want to share to help others

    I made this video sharing how I put my type 2 into reverse and lost 50lbs in weight too. A definite side effect of lowering my carb intake. All carbs turn to sugar and diabetics are basically sugar intollerent. The less sugar the better. 45 minutes and 79 slides showing my journey which I...
  5. Lovinglife

    How i reversed my type 2 diabetes

    I recently put together a short (13 minute) video of my journey with type 2 diabetes, which I was diagnosed with in December 2017. I am, and have been for 3 years, officially in remission. It was for an event I was invited to speak at, Australia Low Carb All Stars. I have had a lot of positive...
  6. Healthier

    Blood testing diabetes type 2

    Hi everyone after having diabetes 2 years now I have finally decided to start testing my blood sugar. Only I have quite a problem.I am a beauty therapist that works with my hands daily.Hence one of the reasons I haven’t already done it. I can’t wear gloves for work as it would feel awful for...
  7. A

    Diabetic or at risk of developing diabetes?

    Do you control your blood sugar due to either; having diabetes or being at risk of developing diabetes? Or engage in other diabetes self management behaviours? For my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for people aged 18 and over who either; have or are at risk of developing diabetes to...
  8. H


    As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient...
  9. H


    DO YOU CONTROL YOUR BLOOD SUGAR? As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship...