blood sugar

  1. C

    Struggle to work out without sugar crash

    Hi all, I'm a 29 yr old newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic, and although I feel like I'm starting to get better at controlling my blood sugar in normal life, I can't exercise without having a steep crash in my sugar level. I've seen some posts here by marathon runners, not even needing to eat...
  2. R

    Brain Injury and Blood Sugar

    My daughter aged 26 is recovering from traumatic brain injury and is type 1 diabetic. Her blood sugar has generally been maintained in the 20 to 25 range over the past 4-6 weeks of her recovery. I think that this level of blood sugar would be detrimental to her recovery, and this is...
  3. H

    Participants needed

    Hi all, I have previously posted asking for participants for my dissertation, however, this is my last call. I will be ending the first wave of data collection on 28th Feb, 2017. All participation is greatly appreciated :) DO YOU CONTROL YOUR BLOOD SUGAR? As part of my Health Psychology MSc...
  4. H


    As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient...
  5. Mitch13

    Prediabetes...right site for help?

    Hi all, I do hope I'm on the right site to get help from people in the know. 2016 had a sting in it's tail for me. One week before Christmas I was diagnosed with prediabetes. Having been annoyingly unwell for about four years, with my GP treating me like someone with a mental illness, this was...
  6. CosmicOwl

    Sensitive to blood sugar levels?

    I've been told my blood sugar control is 'too good', it averages between 5-8mmol/l, but I feel sick and get headaches/thirsty/tired/blurry vision when it gets to the 7-8 range, so try and keep it at 5-6, because I feel my best then. The diabetic nurse said my background BG was 'very tight' and...