blood levels

  1. Anna WP

    Help me.... Pump has been approved

    Hello, I’m a newbie to this forum stuff and have been a type 1 diabetic for 30 years this year and looking to some advice. I have been approved to have a ‘pump’ on the NHS and my first ‘pump’ appointment is 24/4. (‘Pump’ still makes me laugh!) What do I need to expect? What to prepare for...
  2. H


    As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient...
  3. P

    Blood levels 4-9

    Evening all, just a bit of advice please. Daughter 15 recently started living with me after 8 years (4 years as Type 1) so am learning every day. Clinic aim for BS levels between 4-9 but I struggle to help manage this range even after weighing food etc. Often get ranges up to 13.5. I feel like...