blood glucose testing

  1. S

    Newbie Confused by all the numbers

    Well I am now well and truly confused by the numbers and where I should be looking. 5 weeks ago I was involved in a major RTC and was airlifted to a major trauma unit and as part of my monitoring they have been taking regular blood sugar readings, far more often than I would do at home. At home...
  2. D

    Blood glucose testing again

    Good evening, so I've been T2 for about 3 years, originally when I was diagnosed I tested my blood sugar until my doctor told me I didn't need to as I'd be getting tested every 6 months, then COVID happened and getting appointments have been impossible, recently I've not been feeling great about...
  3. A

    Diabetes and Visual Impairment: a Barrier Free Blood Glucose Meter

    Hi everyone :) I'm a final year Product Design Engineering student at Edinburgh Napier University. I am designing a blood glucose meter for my honours project and I need your help! I'm passionate about inclusive design and I want to design a blood glucose meter that is easier to use for...
  4. Healthier

    Blood testing diabetes type 2

    Hi everyone after having diabetes 2 years now I have finally decided to start testing my blood sugar. Only I have quite a problem.I am a beauty therapist that works with my hands daily.Hence one of the reasons I haven’t already done it. I can’t wear gloves for work as it would feel awful for...
  5. P

    bloods confusion

    hi, i need some advice about bloods... about 18 months ago, i had routine bloods and got called into surgery to say i have developed t2 diabetes. i was given an appt with the diabetes nurse around a week later who then told me they were false results because i hadn't been told i had to fast...
  6. M

    Freestyle Libre - not available on prescription

    I use the Freestyle Libre system as it was recommended by my hospital Diabetes Specialist nurses. It is an outstanding advance in blood glucose testing and if I have to resort to using testing strips (while waiting for more sensors) I feel like I've gone from a 3D understanding of where my BG is...
  7. othytim

    Clarification please! Type 1 & the law on driving / blood tests

    Hello When I was diagnosed as Type 1 in 2016 the NHS told that I need to have done a blood test with a reading of 5 or above to get behind the wheel. At the time I thought this was the law, but I can't find anything that specific which quotes the actual law in relation to having a reading of 5...
  8. H


    As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient...
  9. Northerner

    Invasive measurement of blood glucose no longer necessary

    Diabetes patients traditionally monitor their daily blood glucose levels by using a conventional meter which requires blood sampling from the finger tips. The discomfort of pain and risk of infection can sometimes be a source of great stress and concern. A new method of measuring blood glucose...