blood glucose meter

  1. Lovinglife

    I've made a video on my journey to long term remission with type 2 and want to share to help others

    I made this video sharing how I put my type 2 into reverse and lost 50lbs in weight too. A definite side effect of lowering my carb intake. All carbs turn to sugar and diabetics are basically sugar intollerent. The less sugar the better. 45 minutes and 79 slides showing my journey which I...
  2. G

    What is the general opinion regarding CGMs, BG Meters and any which way comparisons?

    A search of DUK and this Forum in particular did not reveal what I am looking for, i.e., thoughts/comparisons between BG Meters and GSMs, and comparisons between different makes of GSMs. If you know differently please inform me. I admit that about 10-12 years ago, and AFAIK not suffering from...
  3. A

    Diabetes and Visual Impairment: a Barrier Free Blood Glucose Meter

    Hi everyone :) I'm a final year Product Design Engineering student at Edinburgh Napier University. I am designing a blood glucose meter for my honours project and I need your help! I'm passionate about inclusive design and I want to design a blood glucose meter that is easier to use for...