
  1. S

    Treats and special occasions

    Hi, I’m new here but not new to type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed when I was 18 after a random blood test and for the first year I took it seriously and made some progress when my doctors told me it could be diet controlled only. Here I am 9 years later and after ignoring my health completely...
  2. D

    Cake Recipes

    Hello! My mothers birthday is coming up soon and I want to make a cake for her but the problem is, is that she has type 2 diabetes and I'm very new to this kind of stuff. All I know is that there can't be any sugar and carbs(?), is it possible if you could recommend some recipes for cakes that...
  3. Northerner


    A few people have let me know that their birthdays have not shown up in the forum as expected. I reported this to Diabetes UK, and it looks like the problem may lie in a couple of areas: If you wish your birthday to appear, please try and make sure it has been entered at least a day in advance...