binge eating

  1. J

    Diabetes & binge eating disorder

    Hello all! So, during the process of being diagnosed for a binge eating disorder, I was also found to have diabetes T2. I actually did really well at keeping my diet controlled for 10 weeks and then my mental health started to decline and the binge eating is back. Does anyone know of any...
  2. K

    T2 and Binge Eating Disorder

    Hi all I've just had my second baby so now have a 2 year old and nearly 3 month old - both boys. Life is tiring at the moment! With my first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes, which turned into T2 just before I got pregnant with my second. This means that I'm now trying to navigate diabetes...
  3. M

    Pre-teen rebellion - peer support?

    Hi - my 11 year old has had type 1 since she was 11 months old so it’s not a new game! But what’s new is that she’s just at the point of realising what it actually means to have and live with this condition and understandably is pretty Pd off! She’s pretty independent, able to do everything...
  4. S

    Post binge spike

    Can anyone help? When I binge eat (or even just eat slightly worse than normal) I wake up with big spikes the next morning. Does anyone else experience this and have any advice? for example, the last occurrence.... 1) BG of 5 before eating and had my usual required amount of insulin according...
  5. V

    Best exercise to burn belly fat and get muscle at home

    I need help as I am fat and can’t go to my gym anymore because of this stupid covid-19 virus and I used to frequently exercise but I cannot now. I can’t buy equipment online as the delivery time is too ridiculously long to deliver. Someone please just give me a straight forward answer for a type...