bg spikes

  1. S

    Unpredictable sugars !!!! Absolute mystery

    Hey all ! Background info ; type 1 diabetic of 20 years . On Lantus & Humalog . Reasonably low carb, high fibre diet in a means to stop sugar spikes that I’ve struggled with my whole diabetic life . I have been really , really trying to sort out my blood sugars in the last few months after many...
  2. L

    When to check BG?

    Just wondering how many times to test my blood glucose levels? I tend to be nocturnal, up during the night time and sleeping during the daytime. Do I test on awakening and then, two hours after breakfast? I have been told that I have good diabetes type 2 control, so is testing twice a day...
  3. xjessica.rose

    High BG on LCHF...

    Hi all, I'm currently doing the DAFNE course which has left me a little confused after working with the DSN & dietician to sort out my BG levels. I've been low-carbing for around 2-3 months (with a few cheat weekends) with daily carbs adding to around 40g from veg/salad mostly. According to...
  4. L

    Consistently high blood glucose but low ketones?

    Hi everyone, I already posted a bit about this on the newbies forum, but I thought I'd make a specific thread as I have more questions. I have just been diagnosed with diabetes (type 1 LADA) and have been getting consistently high blood glucose levels - my personal record is now 27.5 as of...