basal rates

  1. Lauren8443

    Reducing basal

    Hi, After being type 1 for nearly 3 years, I have never really had stable bloods throughout the night and either had high or low blood sugars. After going on a diabetes self management site which offers the calculation to work out your basal rate, I have reduced my basal injection from 18 to...
  2. Cevans23

    Missed Levemir

    Hi Guys Type 1 for about 18 months now. On novorapid bolus and levemir basal twice a day (10am & 10pm). Had a super busy weekend and crashed last night at about 8pm and slept right through until morning so forgot to take my 10pm. Woke up and bloods were understandably very high 16ish, took my...
  3. SB2015

    High morning BGs possible causes and solutions from DEusXM

    I didn't want DEusXM's useful info about possible causes of high BGs in the morning and strategies to sort it to be missed as it is in response to another question. I found this such a useful summary with such practical suggestions for identification and solutions to try. (Tried to copy into...