basal insulin shortfall

  1. T

    Morning spike in sugars

    I'm having trouble managing my morning sugar levels. I go to bed comfortably within range, and if I check my sugars while still in bed in the morning they’re also within range, but they shoot up within about 5 minutes after getting out of bed. I have tried increasing my basal dose of my insulin...
  2. J

    Help: New TD1 & Blood Sugar Consistently >9.0mmol/L

    Hi, all. I'm a very recently diagnosed 21-year-old T1D who, since leaving the hospital with a mild case of DKA, has been struggling to get a handle on a persistently elevated blood sugar level; my average across the past six days has been 10.9mmol/L. I haven't experienced a single low, and my...
  3. Amity Island

    What's your strategy? when basal insulin insuficient

    Hi Everyone, As some of you know, i'm struggling to get any decent advice from the DSN, could anybody give their take on the situation where you are taking (basically a very difficult insulin to adjust TRESIBA only adjust 3-4 days apart) and you need to take extra short acting insulin to make...