• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. gillrogers

    Correction Values

    Is it common for a correction value to double at night? For the last few months ive noticed that a half unit of novorapid if i need it at bed time is bringing me down by approx 3mmol instead of 1.5 mmol as it should during the day and evening meals. Is it actually the novorpaid or is it the...
  2. T

    Question re basal should “keep you steady”

    Hi everyone, I wanted to pick your brains about this. I understand the purpose of basal insulin is to match the liver output, that it should have nothing to do with food, and that it should keep you steady in the absence of food. I’m wondering what this looks like in practical terms? Should it...
  3. gillrogers

    How on earth can i work this one out?

    So my lyumjev is now working tooo quickly. So now resorting to eating and bolusing when my bg starts rise on my shuggah app. However as Im sensitive to activity and the weather my basal changing making it really difficult to work out how when i should be bolusing now. For example, yesterday i...
  4. gillrogers


    Can you get Levemir in half units? Feel I'm 8n between an 8 and 9. I don't use a pump. I'm so sensitive when I get moving around so constantly finding if I lower my basal by one unit cos I've got a busy morning on my feet but sat on my backside for most of the afternoon then I find I need...
  5. J


    At my last hospital checkup my hba1c was 5.6, the best I've ever had but my doc. suggested I tried moving from Lantus to Tresiba. I've not been on Tresiba for long but so far I have no control. Blood sugars jumping high to low and it's making me feel so down & frustrated! Has anybody else...
  6. Lauren8443

    Weight gain

    Hi.... up until I got married about 1 year ago I was always on 17.5 units of Degludec (basal) since getting married, my diabetic diet has a gone a little out the window. I have had to increase my basal from 17.5 and it’s now 23 units. I feel hugely bloated and in actual fact feel uncomfortable...
  7. Lauren8443

    Exercise and basal

    I have just started going to the gym and obviously know that I need to reducing bonus and basal as a result, but how do I know by how much? I am going to the gym and working out intensely for 1 hr-1hr 1/2 ... I changed my basal today from 17 to 15u and have only had a tiny bit of bolus and...
  8. Nathan Barnes

    Basal rate doubled overnight

    Hello everyone I am at a bit of a loss and anxiety isn’t helping to say the least. I have been a reasonably well controlled type 1 for 40 years this year. Before Christmas my basal was a fairly steady 17.5. After working 100 plus hour weeks for around 5 weeks leaving little time to test, carb...
  9. L

    Morning High's

    Hi All, Last few morning's my sugars have been over 10 in the morning, my pre-bed readings were lower. Took some slight novorapid to bring them down to average and have increased my basal from 12 to 14 before bed (Levemir). I am still getting high's. Usual day readings are fine. Any ideas?
  10. R

    Musings: the 3 am dip

    It's well known in diabetes circles that one's blood sugar tends to dip around 2-3 am. This prompts a few questions for me: 1 how can this possibly be: surely it must depend on a number of variables, e.g. When the last meal was, what time one went to sleep, how deeply one is asleep etc? So...
  11. Lauren8443

    lantus to degludec (Tresiba) ....how do I move injection times?

    Hi, I've recentLy had my long acting insulin changed to degludec from lantus as lantus wasn't lasting long enough. I usually take lantus at 7:30pm but want to start taking degludec in the morning as I was told I could. How do I change the injection time? I was on 14.5 of lantus and...
  12. Lauren8443

    Changed basal now big spikes

    Hi, I've been playing around with my basal injection and amounts over the past couple of months. I think I have it Sussed at 15.5 units before bed, and stay relatively level through the night. I have noticed that I am getting much bigger spikes after eating though???? Upto 15! Then panicking...
  13. J

    Gangrenous & Perforated Appendix removal but high persistent sugar post surgery

    Hi, I'm type 1 since 1996, insulin pump 2013. I had my appendix removed 2 weeks ago after suffering with symptoms for 5 days before a doctor took me seriously. They performed an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy and found my appendix was gangrenous and perforated and was spilling into my...
  14. Lauren8443

    Lantus to levemir

    I have recently moved from lantus 16.5 units to Levemir.... but after starting on 19 units of Levemir, I'm now up to 18 units during the day and 12 at night.... with the 12 needing to be increased again!! Cannot believe how much I am needing, anyone else experience this? Also, I feel very...
  15. Lauren8443

    Training for 1/2 marathon ...BS everywhere!

    Hi, I am currently training for a 1/2 marathon and have recently switched to Levemir. I 'think' I have sorted my doses out and am taking split doses of 9u at 9pm and 17u at 7am. Things seem to be going ok...until training. Since running more my night time hypos have come back! Do I reduce my...
  16. Lauren8443

    Basal testing - much needed advice

    hi, I'm currently trying to work out my Levemir basal split doses, since moving from 1 lantus injection last week. I think I have cracked the before bed does at 10 units at 10 am.... today I tried 12 units this morning and fasted from 6am to 12pm, my BS rose from 4.6 to 8.... do I just keep...
  17. Lauren8443


    can anyone help me? Recently changed to Levemir and two basal injections a day instead of the 1 lantus in attempt to control night time hypos. Last night I injected 10 units at 8pm. I tested throughout the night and my blood sugars were stable around 6-7, all night until 4:30am when they...
  18. Lauren8443

    Reducing basal

    Hi, After being type 1 for nearly 3 years, I have never really had stable bloods throughout the night and either had high or low blood sugars. After going on a diabetes self management site which offers the calculation to work out your basal rate, I have reduced my basal injection from 18 to...
  19. Cevans23

    Missed Levemir

    Hi Guys Type 1 for about 18 months now. On novorapid bolus and levemir basal twice a day (10am & 10pm). Had a super busy weekend and crashed last night at about 8pm and slept right through until morning so forgot to take my 10pm. Woke up and bloods were understandably very high 16ish, took my...
  20. khskel

    Latest Basal Testing

    I was getting concerned that my BG levels were creeping up a bit and wondered if might have to re introduce basal insulin to my regime so I bit the bullet and decided to start a fresh round of basal test so no breakfast today :( and this is what I found: Last insulin and meal 18:30 28/07/2016...