• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. JessG123

    Anxiety Around Glucose Readings

    Hi everyone, I hope this is ok to post here. I struggle really badly with hyper / hypo anxiety. I have Type 2 and since diagnosis in 2022 I've had hyperglycemia anxiety. If I reach 9mmol I start to panic that I'm going to end up having really high readings and end up in hospital with DKA or...
  2. Bernie Lomax

    I'm looking for some community and support.

    After I was first diagnosed with diabetes, about eight years ago, I discovered this forum and had a meaningful experience. I apologize that I don't remember the original username I was working with at the time. So I started a new account. I chose the pseudonym, Bernie Lomax, the lovable dead guy...
  3. E

    Feeling alone

    Hi all This is my second pregnancy. I’m about 8 weeks now, so still really early. My last pregnancy saw me signed off work from 7 months after I became unable to cope with the pressures of maintaining low and stable glucose levels whilst working. I did not have the capacity to do both and was...
  4. razumova1979

    New here! 9 years with T1D

    Hi! I like to be called Marcel. I am 17, and have lived with T1D for about 9 years. I struggle a lot with mental illnesses and other physical illness issues. That makes staying on top of my diabetes even more difficult. I feel like such a failure when I have highs or lows, because I’ve had it...
  5. W

    Hello and Prediabetes/Risk Concerns

    My name is Will, i'm 27 in the UK. I suffer from Health Anxiety and have done particularly around Diabetes for many years. I recently had a lot of concern I might be developing the condition (in July) and so asked to speak to my Doctor who let me have an HBA1c test performed. I've had these...
  6. Dasc_study

    Diabetes and Compassion Study

    We are a research group exploring the effects of self-compassion and mindfulness on the lives of people with Type II Diabetes. As part of our research we are looking for individuals who have type 2 diabetes to take part in an online survey that explores this proposal. It is less known that many...
  7. PrincessPea21

    Diabetes at Univeristy

    I have been T1 for a while, all through school with little trouble, but have found university to be very stressing on my diabetes. I've developed anxiety surrounding my levels and injecting as well as anxiety about commuting to university (what if i have a hypo etc), and when i speak to someone...
  8. M

    Newby T1 + anxiety :(

    Hi everyone, I have been recently (2wks ago) diagnosed with T1 diabetes (undetected for god knows how long). I suffered with health anxiety previously, which after 4 years of constant panic attacks subsided for a few years until this diagnosis... had a hypo and panic attack at the same time the...
  9. V

    New, T2, not really sure who to trust!!!

    Hi. Sorry for that dramatic title. I'm 38, just been diagnosed with T2 a couple of weeks ago. So far the main impact of it has been anxiety rather than any diabetes-related symptoms. This is probably in part because I immediately changed my diet and gave up cigs and caffeine drinks when I...
  10. R

    Hello and please help from an anxious newly diagnosed :)

    Hi all. My name is Rachel and I've not long turned 49. On Friday of last week after months and months of me saying how unwell I felt I was finally diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I've been started on metformin 500mg with breakfast for a week, then 500mg breakfast and dinner the following...
  11. H

    Newbie to the site. 9yrs with T1!

    Hi! I officially hate diabetes. Like passionately hate the condition. I suffer from anxiety and depression. Doesn't help I have a benign brain cyst too so when I am suffering from a migraine I can't eat so always running high. Last hba1c was 12.0 lowest it's been in a few years but still, the...
  12. Diabetes UK

    Special thanks to the Forum: Blog

    I thought I would share this wonderful blog post from Simon McCoy, who has shared his journey of denial from his diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, to where he is today. It really highlights the huge impact this forum can have on someone's life and the exceptional support and knowledge that each of...
  13. M

    Diagnosed with suspected T1 at 9.5 weeks. Really scared and anxious about HbA1c :(

    Hi there, I apologise in advance if this is a long winded post. I went for my booking appointment two weeks ago and they called me the next day because my random blood glucose had come back very high (15). I was then sent for a glucose tolerance test the following week which showed fasting...
  14. Nathan Barnes

    Basal rate doubled overnight

    Hello everyone I am at a bit of a loss and anxiety isn’t helping to say the least. I have been a reasonably well controlled type 1 for 40 years this year. Before Christmas my basal was a fairly steady 17.5. After working 100 plus hour weeks for around 5 weeks leaving little time to test, carb...
  15. K

    Anxious and panicking

    Hi I’m type 1 on a pump, 16 weeks pregnant and feeling really low. I have history of anxiety but worked really hard with the preconception team for 5 years to become healthy enough with a good hba1c. It happened relatively quickly since we started trying but since finding out I have been feeling...
  16. H

    Research Project- Online Questionnaire on health anxiety

    Hi everyone, I am a MSc Psychology student at Liverpool Hope University and I am currently carrying out research regarding health anxiety amongst individuals with diabetes. The research involves an online questionnaire which is completely anonymous and shouldn't take long. You don't have to...
  17. E

    Diabetes and Mental Health

    Even though I've only had type 1 diabetes for a month my mental health has dramatically lowered and it's been harder to stay positive about the subject. I feel more panicky when I take my injections even though I'm used to taking them. Any advice to stay optimistic?
  18. E

    Hi, new and full of anxiety

    Hi, I'm Emma, 18 years old who's in the middle of her A2 college exams who has only had type 1 diabetes for a month. I'm still panicky about the situation but I'm trying to learn about the issue.
  19. Luke

    Hypo Anxiety/panic attacks

    I'm very newly diagnosed (10 days) and keep having these weird 'I'm going to faint' sensations, and I think I'm about to hypo but when I check my sugars they are either in range or too high. This has happened ever since my first hypo and it seems to be getting worse and last night I had a full...
  20. Northerner

    A new angle on anxiety: Surprising findings specific brain cells as the key target

    Clinical anxiety affects up to 30 percent of Americans who are in great need of better treatments with fewer side effects. A study from Boston Children's Hospital, published September 6 by the journal Molecular Psychiatry, finds that certain neurons in the hypothalamus play a central, previously...