Search results for query: empagliflozin

  1. goodybags

    Taking 3 different tabs for type 2

    ...and I stayed on Metformin alone for about another 10 yrs before insulin was also introduced, more recently like you now im also on Empagliflozin (I think it’s quite new) so taking that alongside my other meds, I get the impression they are trying to get most T2 diabetics to take Empagliflozin...
  2. A

    Taking 3 different tabs for type 2

    Hi I’ve been on Metformin SR 2 x 500mg morning and evening for years, they then added on a 10mg Empagliflozin in the last couple of years and now want to add 2 x 40mg Gliclazide. I can find no information on taking this cocktail, anywhere. Has anyone on here been taking this combination? The...
  3. F

    Numbers looking good at last, but now what?

    ...finding out. That having been said, I'm winning. The glucose figures are such that, if I can sustain them without the drugs (I'm on Empagliflozin as well), that puts me into the remission category. Achievement. BUT: I can safely lose about another 3 or 4 kilos before I run the risk of a...
  4. everydayupsanddowns

    Empagliflozin Side Effects

    You may also want to check the Patient Information Leaflet in the box? It may have more rare side effects listed? The NHS website doesn’t list bloating, wind, or loose stools on the web page
  5. L

    Advice pls

    That makes sense as it’s normally an hour. Aww thank you has gone up now but still feeling a little shaky so just chilling now xx
  6. Leadinglights

    Advice pls

    That does seem a pretty normal level, if you had been standing for a while your blood pressure may have dropped a bit. You could be dehydrated as with the empagliflozin you need to drink plenty. I hope you are feeling better now you have eaten something.
  7. Docb

    Empagliflozin Side Effects

    Can't help directly but if you use the search function (top right of screen) and enter empagliflozin in the search box you will find lots of reference to it on the forum. If you browse through the results you will get a picture of how members have reacted to it.
  8. N

    Empagliflozin Side Effects

    Hi all, I am looking for some advice on the above and hope that someone can help. I started taking Empagliflozin (10mg) on the 25th July and since that time have been plagued with terrible pain, bloating, wind and loose stool. I have spoken with my GP practice about this and they are adamant...
  9. goodybags

    Group 7-day waking average?

    I’ve decided not to re-start taking them (just yet) OK before when I was ok on the smaller dose of Empagliflozin, and I wasn’t at that time taking Mounjaro, plus I’m currently using CGM so I’m constantly aware what my levels are anyway Plus I’ve today got a date come through for my face visit...
  10. Jodee

    Group 7-day waking average? in time reduce metformin back to 2 x daily. I was wondering if it may be possible at a later date to do alternate days with the empagliflozin, I have notice it seems to act quickly on a daily basis for me, but no doubt the d nurse will shake her head at that suggestion :D. Yes I agree...
  11. goodybags

    Group 7-day waking average?

    Hi @Jodee I don’t mind posting to share my experience of Empagliflozin I was ok on the low dose.. but once they upped my dose to the full dose which was then incorporated into a single tablet as a combination of Metformin and Empagliflozin within a few days it bought on excessive visits to...
  12. Jodee

    Group 7-day waking average?

    Hello goodybags, I was originally put on Empag because blood glucose got out of control, far too high. 10mg daily + 3 x metformin daily. I noticed after 4 days of being on it my short site became very blurred (it was not prior to this), mentioned to doc who told me to stop and leave for 7 days...
  13. I


    ...Pakistan. I was officially diagnosed on Saturday, August 31, 2024, a few days ago. I have Type 2 diabetes. I am currently taking Empagliflozin 25mg every day for my treatment, along with Pioglitazone/Glimepiride 15/2 every other day, and Ozempic (Semaglutide) 0.5 weeks before breakfast and my...
  14. PattiEvans

    Group 7-day waking average?

    Have a think about going onto a proper basal/bolus regime before you see the Diabetic Consultant. Mixed insulin is a difficult regime to manage (I was put on it when I was first diagnosed). It's so much easier to manage as you can vary your doses according to current BG and what you intend to...
  15. goodybags

    Group 7-day waking average?

    ...if the second request for funded CGM comes off (following both her and my GP speaking) so fingers crossed. anyway regarding my meds on Empagliflozin Ive had my dose reduced and also agreed to reduce insulin again DSN even spoke about a actual appointment being available (like face to face in...
  16. goodybags

    Group 7-day waking average?

    hi @Jodee, sorry to read you've not been not doing so good when you say they’ve put you back on Empagliflozin, I just wondered have you been on it before ? I wasn’t aware of this type of medication until it was introduced to me as a substitute for another med (something I used to inject called...
  17. Jodee

    Group 7-day waking average?

    not so good at 7.9 this morning, starting back on the Empagliflozin
  18. N

    Newbie says hello & praise for Jardiance

    ...Urine tract infection but was given on holiday so kept quiet and did not go back on it Low carb diet on own worked but then started on Empagliflozin that was then increased but no side effects except weight gain and blood sugars went up snd I was starving. So took off not committed to any...
  19. Jodee

    Vision Blur - Metformin / Empagliflozin

    ...had my metformin increased to 3 x daily and am now experiencing vision blur. My blood glucose is down to 6.8 and was reducing taking empagliflozin. My vision was ok even when at 16 mmol. I note online it does say blurred vision with metformin is quite common. I will notify the surgery but...
  20. Lucyr

    New T1 here

    ...sibling with diabetes and none of mine have it. T1 is less likely genetic. None of the T2 medications worked for me, got ketones with empagliflozin I thought I take a lot of insulin but apparently for my weight it’s not, and a t2 would likely take double what I do Think that’s all, it’s all...