Search results for query: empagliflozin

  1. IrvineHimself

    Kidney function drop with empagloflozin, can anyone relate please

    ...if your Docs haven't fully explained the rational behind their thinking. According to the Wikipedia page: So, it is unlikely Empagliflozin is causing the loss of kidney function, but rather the case that you would be prescribed Empagliflozin because of pre-existing kidney damage. Further...
  2. S

    Kidney function drop with empagloflozin, can anyone relate please

    Oh I see, my BP is OK and everything else it's just the issue with this decline in kidney function which I'm thinking it's a side effect of empagliflozin . It's so worrying isn't it.
  3. IrvineHimself

    Feeling dreadful

    Being a guy, I am not too familiar with UTI's, but Dapagliflozin is the same family as Empagliflozin. They work by causing the body to excrete sugar in the urine. This makes people who use it more prone to fungal and yeast infections. (See my signature for the list of soaps and moisturizers my...
  4. Leadinglights

    Progress, but what caused it?

    Sometimes people do go at reacting to their diagnosis like a bull in a china shop when a slower approach is better as it is something that is sustainable and a more steady reduction in blood glucose is less likely to cause issues with eyes and nerves. You have done amazingly well with your...
  5. Nielh123

    Progress, but what caused it?

    ...and ended up in hospital with something called ketoacidosis - as usual I guess I'd gone to the extreme ... I didn't realise keto and Empagliflozin together carried this risk until someone told me on here after I explained what had happened. I need to try and get a balance and a food diary...
  6. Leadinglights

    Change of medication

    ...some changes to your dietary regime as it is a low carb approach that many people find successful. The empagliflozin works by removing excess glucose but it is recommended that you must drink plenty (3litres per day I think I saw) otherwise you could become...
  7. C

    Change of medication was still not being controlled enough. Because of how I felt they lowered my metformin to 500mg and gave me a new tablet called empagliflozin 10mg once a day, to be increased to 25mg daily in 2 wks. However I feel like the dose is too low. My original symptoms are back. I get tired...
  8. gll

    Don't know what to do anymore (long read)

    nope, empagliflozin is putting too much squeeze on my thirst on top of water tablets (plus thrush just for fun) and gliclazide is so hit and miss as to weather I see any response from it. I've limped along on those two despite the issues to get to this point :)
  9. Leadinglights

    Type 2 diabetes and homelessness

    In the short time since diagnosis you are doing fantastically well to get a grip on what you need to do to reduce your blood glucose level, my only observation is that you are choosing low fat products which you do not need to do as having fats will help you not to feel so hungry. Remember to...
  10. IrvineHimself

    Type 2 diabetes and homelessness

    ...1) Metformin * 1 tablet/day for a week 2) Metformin * 2 tablets/day for rest of month 3) After 1 month he wanted to start Empagliflozin, with more medications to follow He also arranged an appointment for the following week with another Doctor from the practice who had a special...
  11. gll

    Don't know what to do anymore (long read)

    ...5 months of ongoing side effects. Will have to see where they want to go with it all. Also had thrush twice so far in about 2 months of empagliflozin. Minor for now in the grand scheme of other stuff I'd had to put up with but not wanting to keep going with it long term. For now the priority...
  12. gll

    Don't know what to do anymore (long read)

    So an update. I tried the doubled up empagliflozin and it sent my BP and fluid retention way up. Didn't do anything for bg really but if fluid levels/systems were off, I'm not surprised. Been taken off that and back to 10mg. GPs are at the end of the line with what they can do and want to...
  13. gll

    Group 7-day waking average?

    So nurse phoned. She's satisfied the higher dose of empagliflozin was throwing off fluid levels / bp (water retention) As for bg she's going to speak to another nurse in case she can think of something else to try but probs wont be anything else they can do. Going in for a new a1c on Thursday...
  14. Leadinglights

    Hi all - diagnosed yesterday!

    OK that is a medication that encourages excess glucose to be excreted in the urine, I hope you were told it is important to drink plenty, I think they say at least 3litres per day so expect frequent loo visits otherwise you can become dehydrated.
  15. MarkB

    Hi all - diagnosed yesterday!

    Empagliflozin is the new medicine I'm now to take 10mg a day in addition to the existing dose of metformin.
  16. Paul Goldie

    Ketones in blood type 2

    ...hourly blood tests to check my BS were coming down. The following day I was visited by the DNS and I was immediately taken off of my Empagliflozin (was on it for over 5 years) as a side effect of this drug is KDA (1 in 1000 people). I continued to be monitored every hour and I was discharged...
  17. gll

    Group 7-day waking average?

    ...Everyone. was 12.2 many many hours ago :) BP this morning 133/89 vs yesterdays 143/94 so an improvement in a just one day on less empagliflozin. I held back taking it yesterday until after I spoke to the nurse as I had a feeling she would want to mess with it. Didn't notice a massive...
  18. gll

    Group 7-day waking average?

    Morning folks. 13 for me Had nurse phonecall. She wants me to go back onto 10mg empagliflozin and calling back Monday. Not sure if you all saw my other post but I have been retaining fluid and BP is up (in line with fluid retention). Anyway I've to drop back down and see if fluid and BP improve...
  19. rebrascora

    BS readings on that. Hopefully Roland (@Proud to be erratic) will clarify. Just to be clear, can you confirm that you have now stopped the Empagliflozin and are taking Gliclazide and Metformin? It is the Empagliflozin which needs plenty of fluids, not Gliclazide, but drinking plenty of water is...