Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
Something just happened that will sound like nothing, but to me it’s everything.
Before starting my diabetes journey, I was in very poor shape with obesity. One of the things that obesity had taken from me was my ability to kneel on the floor.
Now that may not sound like much, but it’s one of those things that you don’t appreciate how important it is until you can’t do any more.
I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened, but all of a sudden kneeling was causing excruciating pain in the knees and down the flesh of my lower legs. It also made getting up off the floor extremely difficult. These are not things that you expect to face in your 40s. Doing things like crawling under a desk at work to plug a laptop charger in became impossible and I’d have to ask for help. Domestic chores like changing the cat’s litter box, or indeed anything that involved being on the floor were out. It also meant I couldn’t do yoga, which is something I greatly enjoyed prior to lockdown. I had to give that up temporarily because of the risk of bursting my ovarian cyst. But by the time I wanted to go back to it, I’d lost the ability to kneel.
Well, since l started losing weight I very much hoped that I would someday regain my ability to kneel. But, I’ve been scared to try - until now…
I can kneel again! There is still pain in my kneecaps, but significantly less than before. But if I sit back, the weight is distributed over my lower legs and is perfectly comfortable. Further more, I can easily get up off the floor. To me, this is absolutely life changing. You truly do not appreciate these simple things until you can’t do them anymore.
I now have hope of building on this and getting my full mobility back. I don’t have to fear a situation where I may need to get down on the floor and wonder how the hell to get up again. I now have faith that I will be able to make yoga a part of my life again soon.
I have allowed obesity to take so much from me. My lack of a love life because most guys don’t want a morbidly obese woman. My ability to walk when my pelvic tilt was causing extreme pain. My self worth and confidence. My ability to find nice clothes. My wanting to stay hidden. My blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure.
Obesity stead and steals and steal from you, until eventually you’re a shadow of the person you should be.
Every time I get to snatch something back like this, I feel overwhelmed with relief and joy. It’s an emotional thing.
I don’t think I have ever been more determined to beat obesity and diabetes as I feel today. It’s high time I reclaimed the health that I gave away and be the best version of myself for the rest of my days. I owe this to myself.
Before starting my diabetes journey, I was in very poor shape with obesity. One of the things that obesity had taken from me was my ability to kneel on the floor.
Now that may not sound like much, but it’s one of those things that you don’t appreciate how important it is until you can’t do any more.
I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened, but all of a sudden kneeling was causing excruciating pain in the knees and down the flesh of my lower legs. It also made getting up off the floor extremely difficult. These are not things that you expect to face in your 40s. Doing things like crawling under a desk at work to plug a laptop charger in became impossible and I’d have to ask for help. Domestic chores like changing the cat’s litter box, or indeed anything that involved being on the floor were out. It also meant I couldn’t do yoga, which is something I greatly enjoyed prior to lockdown. I had to give that up temporarily because of the risk of bursting my ovarian cyst. But by the time I wanted to go back to it, I’d lost the ability to kneel.
Well, since l started losing weight I very much hoped that I would someday regain my ability to kneel. But, I’ve been scared to try - until now…
I can kneel again! There is still pain in my kneecaps, but significantly less than before. But if I sit back, the weight is distributed over my lower legs and is perfectly comfortable. Further more, I can easily get up off the floor. To me, this is absolutely life changing. You truly do not appreciate these simple things until you can’t do them anymore.
I now have hope of building on this and getting my full mobility back. I don’t have to fear a situation where I may need to get down on the floor and wonder how the hell to get up again. I now have faith that I will be able to make yoga a part of my life again soon.
I have allowed obesity to take so much from me. My lack of a love life because most guys don’t want a morbidly obese woman. My ability to walk when my pelvic tilt was causing extreme pain. My self worth and confidence. My ability to find nice clothes. My wanting to stay hidden. My blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure.
Obesity stead and steals and steal from you, until eventually you’re a shadow of the person you should be.
Every time I get to snatch something back like this, I feel overwhelmed with relief and joy. It’s an emotional thing.
I don’t think I have ever been more determined to beat obesity and diabetes as I feel today. It’s high time I reclaimed the health that I gave away and be the best version of myself for the rest of my days. I owe this to myself.