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Travelling with Novomix 30


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello you lovely people,

I require some advice,I have used the search function but am more confused!:rofl:

I am travelling to Kos in a few weeks and it is going to be hot! I understand my in use Novomix pen can be kept cool with a Frio or something similar when travelling. However, my spare unsused pens need to be kept between 2-8c. Does anyone have any advice on what might be the best way to keep them chilled? When I arrive i can use the fridge, its just the flights etc thats the concern.

Thank you
Why not put the 'spare, unused' pens, together with the pen(s) you are actually using, in the Frio bag while you are travelling? Everything can then be put in the fridge when you arrive (and wait for the fridge to cool down, since they usually turn them off between guests!).
Your back up pens will be fine in the Frio in your room. I would not put them in a fridge. Firstly if it is a fridge in your room, I would worry about how well the temp is regulated and it might freeze and I doubt the Frio would protect it from freezing and if it is in a fridge somewhere else in the hotel which is not secure and out of my control, I would be even less confident both from the point of them possibly going missing, but also temp regulation. The pens are good for 30 days out of the fridge. How long does it usually take you to use a pen? Also after the 30 days they don't just stop working, it is just that the insulin may start to be a little less effective.

Your in use pen should be fine just on your person as it is stable at room/body temperature otherwise pumps would not work. It should not be left in a hot car or black bag in full sun or a hot conservatory or on a windowsill, but otherwise it is fine. The Frio in your hotel room should be adequate to keep the spares in good order until you need them or take them home, but make sure you use those spares first when you get back from holiday and mark on them how many of the 30 days are left when you put them back in the fridge at home. The clock stops when they go back in the fridge if that makes sense.
I have always had 2 Frio wallets so I could keep my spares back in my hotel (or further down my pack when I was camping and trekking between camp sites).
Unlike @rebrascora, I have taken my in use insulin about about somewhere hot. While it should be ok, it feels a shame not to add that extra layer of protection, especially if I am out in the sun all day.

I completely agree with her NOT to use hotel fridges unless I am 100% confident that they work correctly - not too hot or too cold.
And do not use Frio in the fridge - they work by evaporation not insulation.