Omnipod and Libre2+


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I am new here. I was led to the site from a 'Google' enquiry regarding Omnipod and Libre2+ as my daughter went onto a pump on Wednesday after nearly 10 years using pens. The discussion threads were informative and chimed with what we were experiencing. It is great to be here to share the lived experience of diabetes.
Welcome @JulesRen 🙂 Are you happy to share how old your daughter is? How’s she finding pumping? Ask any questions you want here🙂
Welcome @JulesRen to the forum
I'm sure you will find it very useful and informative

Alan 😉
Welcome to the forum.
As others have said, feel free to ask questions.
Or just have a rant. Or even a giggle. With those of us on the same boat.
Welcome @JulesRen 🙂 Are you happy to share how old your daughter is? How’s she finding pumping? Ask any questions you want here🙂
Hi, she is 16, diagnosed at 6 when pumps were in the realms of research. After 3 days, she is a convert. Just need to get the background dosing increased but thinking that this is a necessary cautious approach by the health team. The nurse is seeing her on Tuesday for a follow up. She feels independent of her condition for the first time since diagnosis
Hi and welcome from me too.

Great to hear that the pump is giving your daughter a mental lift from the relentlessness that long term diabetes management can be. Presumably she will be going on to a closed loop with the Libre 2+, but it sounds like she is currently using it in manual mode. Hope it performs well for her and if you have any difficulties, shout up as we have quite a few members using Omnipod whose experience you can hopefully tap into.
Hi, she is 16, diagnosed at 6 when pumps were in the realms of research. After 3 days, she is a convert. Just need to get the background dosing increased but thinking that this is a necessary cautious approach by the health team. The nurse is seeing her on Tuesday for a follow up. She feels independent of her condition for the first time since diagnosis

Yes, it’s very usual to start people on less insulin than they think you’ll need and then gradually tweak the doses. It will take a little while to get things right, but it shouldn’t take too long 🙂

It was more than 20 years ago that I got my first pump and I remember being quite anxious beforehand. I worried that I’d feel like a hospital patient, with a machine attached to me all the time, and I worried the pump would take away my freedom or impact me psychologically. But, just like your daughter, in 2 or 3 days I’d got used to it and realised how fabulous it was. For me, two big things were just being able to press buttons to ‘inject’, and sleeping better at night. I’m glad your daughter is loving her pump.