
Welcome to the forum @davidklumpp2024
Firstly, you are not alone and someone with similar to you will come along to help and answer some if not all the questions you may have.

Being scared and even confused by it all is quite normal and most of us have had that "oh my god" feeling, well me for sure.
Have a good read around the forum and ask as many questions as you need to.

Alan 😉
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Welcome to the forum @davidklumpp2024
Firstly, you are not alone and someone with similar to you will come along to help and answer some if not all the questions you may have.

Being scared and even confused by it all is quite normal and most of us have had that "on my god" feeling, well me for sure.
Have a good read around the forum and ask as many questions as you need to.

Alan 😉
Thanks so much
Hi @davidklumpp2024 and welcome to the forum. We have a number of members with type3c and I am sure some will be along soon with ideas. How did your diagnosis come about? A bit of background might help with responses.
Hi @davidklumpp2024 and welcome to the forum. We have a number of members with type3c and I am sure some will be along soon with ideas. How did your diagnosis come about? A bit of background might help with responses.
Hi David and welcome and wish it was under better circumstances and sure a number of other 3Cs will be along.
Do you want to tell us a little more about your journey here as the specific circumstances can be very different to how best to advise you.For eg being diagnosed as being a Type 3c following necrosis of the pancreatic cells can be very different to someone who has had a partial or total pancreas removal.
Presume you are/ have been put on Creon and sure others experiences will prove helpful in you having a better understanding of your current situation.
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Hi @davidklumpp2024 and welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry you’ve had to join us, but please know you’re not alone! It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, especially in the beginning, so if you’ll have any questions or concerns - ask away! There’s plenty of threads about type 3c, so have a look at those as well. Alternatively, you might find our Learning Zone useful too.

Please be kind to yourself and just take it day by day. Eventually you’ll learn everything you need to know to support yourself in the best way possible <3
Hi David - another Type 3C here following a distal pancreatectomy nearly 3 years ago to remove a large benign cyst on my pancreas. I now take Metformin and use a basal dose of insulin at night and am about to start bolusing (giving some insulin depending on how many carbs I'm about to have) before my evening meal. I don't use Creon as my digestion hasn't been affected. Looking forward (if that's the right phrase) to hear your story. Jo 🙂
HI I am reaching out to see if I can find other people who may be going through something like I am and maybe get a piece of mind.
I feel alone and scared right now not to mention overwhelmed with my new diagnosis.
I just found out that I am 3c diabetic and I don't know what to expect
Just to follow up David.I give a few talks on Diabetes and the one description that my audience always responds with when I ask the reaction of their patients to the Diagnosis is “ overwhelming” so you are completely in step with the vast bulk of folk on here.
As Jo and Ieva say you are not alone and you can hopefully learn from others experiences and journey as we can learn from you.
It is entirely natural to be fearful when first diagnosed and we have all been there.Please do take solace and comfort that there is plenty of light at the end of the tunnel and the experience here can help you can get back to doing the things you enjoy and live a very full life with the odd modification.
Welcome @davidklumpp2024 from another 3c, in my case caused by pancreatitis.
I've been on insulin from the start (not much pancreas left) but some 3cs manage without, at least at the start.
There is lots of support on here so do ask if there is anything we can help with.
Hi @davidklumpp2024 you have made a good decision to join the forum and i'm sure that you will find many people happy to provide advice and support as you become accustomed to and live with 3c. As mentioned earlier it would help to know a little more about who diagnosed you, why they diagnosed you, and the support that they are proposing. Type 3c is a wide and varied categorisation.
Hi @davidklumpp2024 you have made a good decision to join the forum and i'm sure that you will find many people happy to provide advice and support as you become accustomed to and live with 3c. As mentioned earlier it would help to know a little more about who diagnosed you, why they diagnosed you, and the support that they are proposing. Type 3c is a wide and varied categorisation.
The hospital told me I was diabetic because I had noticed that my blood sugar was high for a month straight.
I went to the doctor and now I have a freestyle libre 2 and sugar monitor
Hi and welcome from me too.

Type 3c is a category of diabetes allocated to people who have damage to their pancreas from disease, surgery or trauma. Can you explain a bit about how the damage occurred to your pancreas and what if any medication you take for your diabetes. Oral meds and or insulin and if so, which ones... ie the names of the medication/insulin? Do you also need a digestive enzyme supplement like Creon?

Great to hear that you have Libre. How are you finding that?
And Welcome @davidklumpp2024 from myself, yet another T3c - after a total pancreatectomy.
So far I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis about 2 years ago and I was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 weeks ago so.
So far I am on metformin and lipizide or glucotrol xl but maybe I need something else because my sugar is still in the 200 and 300s
So far I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis about 2 years ago and I was diagnosed with diabetes about 2 weeks ago so.
So far I am on metformin and lipizide or glucotrol xl but maybe I need something else because my sugar is still in the 200 and 300s
I am wondering if you are not in the UK as the numbers you quote look as if they are in mg/dl and in the UK we use mmol/l. Conversion is dividing mg/dl by 18 to get mmol/l
Treatment plans are not always the same in other countries so what people will experience may not match what you may have.0
Have you modified your diet as that will have a greater impact than Metformin and in fact, a low carb way of eating can be more powerful than insulin in some circumstances, so making some dietary changes will be important at least for the time being.
Do you have much/any weight to lose?
And hello from another 3c although like Roland I had a total pancreatectomy which means we don't produce any insulin at all. As Barbara says modifying your diet could make a big difference. The number you need to look at is the carbohydrates rather than just the sugar. You may already know that but it was news to me. The more carbs then the higher the impact on your blood sugar level.