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Metformin problem


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been prediabetic for several years and last October my hba1c level went to 49 and treatment initially was to be diet and exercise. This hasn't worked and my hba1c level has been creeping up until it reached 53 two months ago. I was prescribed metformin initially 500mg to be increased to 1000mg after a week. I had the usual side effects of upset stomach and tiredness initially which passed after two weeks so I increased dosage to 1000mg. The side effects were worse including severe nausea and acid reflux and fatigue and constipation and other problems. I perservered for three weeks and finally spoke to the Diabetic nurse on Monday who had no hesitation in changing to slow release of 500mg twice a day. Started Tuesday and felt really ill yesterday. My question is would I be better taking one dose of 1000mg at night as the prescription leaflet suggests.
I have been prediabetic for several years and last October my hba1c level went to 49 and treatment initially was to be diet and exercise. This hasn't worked and my hba1c level has been creeping up until it reached 53 two months ago. I was prescribed metformin initially 500mg to be increased to 1000mg after a week. I had the usual side effects of upset stomach and tiredness initially which passed after two weeks so I increased dosage to 1000mg. The side effects were worse including severe nausea and acid reflux and fatigue and constipation and other problems. I perservered for three weeks and finally spoke to the Diabetic nurse on Monday who had no hesitation in changing to slow release of 500mg twice a day. Started Tuesday and felt really ill yesterday. My question is would I be better taking one dose of 1000mg at night as the prescription leaflet suggests.
Some people find taking with food helps, mid meal is suggested.
When you say diet did not work what were you doing as many do find that it is possible to pull back from an HbA1C in the low 50ies by adopting a low carb diet. I wonder if you are not advised about making enough changes to diet. Metformin only help and diet is as, if not more important.
Have a look at this link to see how the approach there compares to what you were /are doing diet wise. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Thanks for your reply. Don't think my diet is too bad, little red meat, fish two or three times a week and fresh veg and fruit, home made soup etc and no ready meals. Took the advice of the Dietitian and added more pulses, lentils, kidney beans and cut back on carbohydrates. I am wondering as my hba1c level isn't too high whether 1000mg of metformin is too high for me as I felt quite good on 500mg.
Thanks for your reply. Don't think my diet is too bad, little red meat, fish two or three times a week and fresh veg and fruit, home made soup etc and no ready meals. Took the advice of the Dietitian and added more pulses, lentils, kidney beans and cut back on carbohydrates. I am wondering as my hba1c level isn't too high whether 1000mg of metformin is too high for me as I felt quite good on 500mg.
Yes but pulses, lentils, beans except green are quite high carbs so that may be where you problem lies. If you were fine on the lower dose then go back to that together with looking a bit more carefully at the carbs in foods may be enough.
A bit of care with fruit as some is quite high carb, berries are lowest.
The book or app Carbs and Cals may help give you a better idea of the carbs in various foods so you can compare.
@Annb52 It often a source of exasperation that dieticians advise eating what for me is a high carb diet - I can extract more carbs than the listed values from legumes, and advising me to take tablets which make me feel very ill and embarrassed.
I suggest adding up the carbs you are eating each day, to see just what your consumption is.
I use plants to add colour and texture to various dishes, but as carbs are not essential for Humans I chose the lowest carb vege mixes and stir fry, berry mixes from the freezer section and from the list in my little notebook of fruit and veges under 11% carbs by weight. It isn't difficult to stick to low carb when the alternative is so unpleasant.
Thanks for all the advice. I have ordered a copy of Carbs and Cal in the hope that I can get to grips with my diet. So difficult when there is lots of conflicting advice, just need to work out what is best for me.