Google Deepmind: Should patients trust the company with their data?


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Google's artificial intelligence unit DeepMind is getting serious about healthcare - with ambitious plans to digitise the NHS - but first it needs to convince patients to hand over their medical records.

Back in February, it began work with the Royal Free to create an app to help doctors spot patients who might be at risk of developing kidney disease.

The first most knew of the partnership was when it emerged some months later that it would be accessing 1.6 million patient records as part of the deal.

That led to some pretty negative headlines and questions from some of the patients involved as to why they had not been informed their data was being used in this way.

The app - dubbed Streams - is now under investigation by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) while the National Data Guardian, which is tasked with safeguarding health data, is also looking at it.
Google's artificial intelligence unit DeepMind is getting serious about healthcare - with ambitious plans to digitise the NHS - but first it needs to convince patients to hand over their medical records.

Back in February, it began work with the Royal Free to create an app to help doctors spot patients who might be at risk of developing kidney disease.

The first most knew of the partnership was when it emerged some months later that it would be accessing 1.6 million patient records as part of the deal.

That led to some pretty negative headlines and questions from some of the patients involved as to why they had not been informed their data was being used in this way.

The app - dubbed Streams - is now under investigation by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) while the National Data Guardian, which is tasked with safeguarding health data, is also looking at it.
After the Yahoo cover up, i would trust them like an honest politician
Well, no thanks. I wouldn't trust Google with the time of day. They have no experience in this field; all they are doing is pouring capital into this to avoid tax.
Well, no thanks. I wouldn't trust Google with the time of day. They have no experience in this field; all they are doing is pouring capital into this to avoid tax.
Maybe if they paid the proper amount of tax that would help patients more (if the govt. could be persuaded to put that into the NHS :rolleyes:)
Far canal, NO! I don't trust the NHS to keep my data secure, never mind Goggle. I rather trust Donald Chump... Um, well, maybe not.