Anyone using CamAPS here?

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I can’t remember if anyone here uses CamAPS?

I’d be interested in your experiences.

Had my pump clinic yesterday, and had an interesting conversation about options when my contract comes up in the Summer.

Do I stick with the known irritations of tSlim, or venture into a short spell of Omnipod 5 (no 4 year tie-in) or opt for the more ‘hands off’ CamAPS approach?
Hi @everydayupsanddowns @Inka yes I have camAPS. Happy to write a bit about my experience but travelling today. If you have any questions let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them

That would be awesome @Saoirse !

No screaming hurry, as I still have a few months on tSlim

My current “front of mind” options are

Stick with tSlim / Dex
Omnipod 5 / Dex
Dana / Dex / CamAPS
Hi saoirse i would be interested as well with your experience of camaps i have a ypsomed pump and i have a appointment with my endo in January and hoping i will be offered camaps as my 6months blood test are creeping up in the last 3 years to HBA1C 7% cheers .
Paging @everydayupsanddowns and @Matchless

So firstly a bit of background I've been on camAPS for 18 months now at the time I was looking at pumps I had a choice between this Medtronic and T slim. I had originally wanted an Omnipod but this was not available at my clinic, only tubed pumps. I got some good very good advice on here about the importance of choosing the best pump for you on my criteria where a pump that was small, discreet, could be bolused from a phone and was loopable. I looked closely at the T slim and this was the pump that most people who attended the introduction to pumps meeting that I attended took. I ended up with a Dana pump paired with a Dexcom 6 and camAPS serving as loop.

I think the key thing with this (or any other loop) is the same as with any approach to management of T1D which is getting the basics right. You need to understand your insulin:carb ratios and the importance of pre bolus timing. Like any algorithm if you put garbage in you will get garbage out. I can't emphasise enough how important this is.

Overall, I really like the system as with anything else it has its downsides, so here are some of my reflections which of course are personal to me other people's experiences will vary:

Things I really like:

The camAPS system is (as I understand it) different too most other loops 'cause it works on an algorithm - the only information that this system starts off with is your total daily dose and your weight there's then a two week period where the systems is intensive learning what your insulin needs are at different times of the day. There is no setting of or changing to different basal rates for example and in that I think it is much more hands-off than other loops.

The Dana pump is as I hoped it would be small light and discrete, And I'm very grateful to be able to bolus from my phone and use this to quickly check what my numbers are and see a graph of the day.

The system will adjust/suspend insulin delivery if it looks like you are going low and of course ramp up if you are going high. I find it does a really good job of this particularly overnight and my overnight figures are almost always well in range.

There is a fall rate alarm for when your blood sugar is falling very rapidly. I've learned to never to ignore this and it will wake me up from even a very deep sleep and impell me to action.

The system is very good smoothing out bumps in the road so long as it has good information to work from and I'm not doing anything unplanned for (for example sudden vigorous exercise).

Having a loop took a huge amount of the mental burden of diabetes away from me. When I first got the pump and loop I really had no idea how much of my energy was being taken up by thinking about everything and perhaps the best part of having camAPS has been the lifting of a large amount of the mental load.

The system brought my HBA1C down to 48 which I can't imagine being able to achieve on MDI.

Things I find more difficult:

The Dana pump is a little bit fiddly to refill. I can now do this pretty fluently but it definitely took some time to get used to.

Something I find the system does not handle well is a consistent moderate high. So if for example my blood sugar is at 10 and stays there for a couple of hours I find the system is not good at addressing this to move it back into range. It will come down but probably not as quickly as I would like it to. This can be frustrating particularly as it ruins time in range for the day. I have learned that I rage bolus at my peril on CamAPS. For me, even a very small correction bolus can lead to my blood sugar falling very rapidly, even scarily on occasion, and then needing quite a lot of glucose to correct. Over time I have found it much better to go for a short walk or some other quick bout of exercise or to wait until I next eat before I consider manually adding any extra insulin to the system even if that means putting up with being a bit high.

For me I also find system is less good at handling unexpected bursts of activity there is an ease of function which reduces the amount of insulin delivered and this can be set in advance for a particular point in the day this works well if you have a predictable schedule, but I have sometimes found my blood glucose dropping just after a walk to the shops which is really inconvenient.

There is currently no ioS version, so if you are an apple person (I am), then is means you need two phones.

The system keeps learning based on the preceding 2 weeks data. As a woman who still has periods and whose hormones affect my insulin resistance, I find I need to be aware of this and to raise or lower my target glucose depending on what time of the month it is.

Finally I think the system was designed to be hands off and I think when everything is working well this works really really well however you do need to give the system accurate information and to let it (mostly) do its thing. If you have been used to managing your diabetes more intensively it's a bit of a big adjustment. I don't think I check my levels any less frequently than I did when I was on MDI but it certainly has removed a lot of the mental burden from my day-to-day management and I am hugely grateful for this. If you are considering or using CamAPS and have Facebook then I would recommend joining both the CamAPS Facebook group (camAPS users) which has someone from CamAPS in the chat and for those who do sports a similar group (Sporty camAPS users - peer support) both of which are really good.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, please ask.
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Thanks so much @Saoirse that is really really helpful.

The non-iOS thing is an unexpected (and pretty major) downside.

Will the pump and sensor work OK without the phone? Or does the phone form part of the ecosystem?
thank for your reply saoirse it was very similar to what i have read ells ware nice to here you confirm, is the dana pump your first pump as you mention MDI ,i have ypsomed pump and android phone so i should be ok thanks again for your experience .
Thanks so much @Saoirse that is really really helpful.

The non-iOS thing is an unexpected (and pretty major) downside.

Will the pump and sensor work OK without the phone? Or does the phone form part of the ecosystem?
Hi - the phone is essential to run camAPS (I think the t-slim has all the software on the pump itself?), so yes its the ecosystem (of course the pump and dex can work independently of each other too, out of loop). Appeals for an apple compatible app are frequent in the groups, with this possibly appearing late this year, but they are very wary of giving a concrete date, as in fairness, depends on getting it approved. So I would take that date with a pinch of salt, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.
thank for your reply saoirse it was very similar to what i have read ells ware nice to here you confirm, is the dana pump your first pump as you mention MDI ,i have ypsomed pump and android phone so i should be ok thanks again for your experience .
Hi, yes, my first pump.
Hi loopers

I have been getting set up with HCL on CamAPS FX, Dexcom G6 and Ypsomed pump over the last 6mths. It’s a game changer for me!!

I’m now fairly stable (at rest) but am really struggling with managing exercise as my BMs plummet on any exertion. I was active on previous pump with adjustments to basal and carb loading but my HCL is responding quite differently. We have already adjusted carb ratios & correction factors to accommodate my insulin sensitivity.

Does anyone have any experience or tips for adjusting HCL and food for exercise - I want to do an hour strength/cardio 3 times a week but am not making it through the warm up yet!!

Would welcome any advice…
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Hi all my last visit with my endo two wks ago told me that i will be getting camaps fx by august to go with my ypsomed pump and libre 3 i thiink as i have been using FSL for years who knows they might prefer me to have dexcom still it is a start ,keeping my fingers crossed all goes well so i am researching camaps as much as i can , have a nice day all.
Hi @SensitiveType1

I do like camAPS a lot but I also find activity and exercise can be a challenge sometimes

things I do (caveat this is my experience and does not constitute advice, medical or otherwise, etc..)

1) I try to exercise in the morning when insulin resistance is highest and /or with no insulin on board
2) Later in the day I set ease of from two hours before exercise if possible, then bolus a small amount at the end of workout if big is rising
3) I always tell the system what i am doing- so insulin is suspended whenever I’m disconnected from the pump, so it knows there is no insulin for that time period and does not get “confused” as to why it is “giving“ insulin but bg is not changing. All my most difficult moments have been when I haven’t told the system what I am doing and it is operating on incomplete information - I think this is key for me.
4) I try calibrate the system with a finger prick when big is in range and on a flat arrow
5) know my carb ratios, pre bolus timings etc, does not always happen but I try to do the basics well
6) i some times use a combination of the “add meal” function as well as adding a meal with the crossed knife and fork tab to cover my meal carb amounT. (Eg total carbs is 40 so I might put 30gon the crossed knife and fork tab, and 10g on the add meal)
7) I add carbs with “add meal“ before an activity if I’m active later in the day. I find adding 15 grams helps bg not to drop rapidlly on exercise.
8) I find 10 mins of activity (eg climbing a few flights of stairs, a quick walk) after meals if possible helps keep my bg in range, which helps avoid big swings
9) as always I have hypo treatment o hand. I use juice for fastest results. If possible I check bg coming out of hypo with fingerpick as dex can lag, and sometimes I need to insist to dex what what bg actually is.

I really recommend adding sporty camAPS peer sup port on FB, as well as the Camaps user group too as well as having a chat with your DSn to talk through how best to manage this for your situation
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really appreciate the detailed description.

Since original post (made after a wipeout hypo post first few workout attempts) I’ve had better results with better forward planning. I tend to do my excercise in the evening so have been presetting an ease off period for 2hrs before and an hour after planned workout time and ensuring I have a meal on board with reduced bolus and post exercise oat smoothie.

I hadn’t thought of splitting the meal insulin between straight up bolus and add meal so think I’ll play around with that next. Hopefully it will reduce the need for sipping juice in water to keep going through the session

I’m hoping to start a weekend morning session soon too so will see if that makes a difference.

Also thank you for the reminder to calibrate - I don’t think I’ve been doing this regularly enough so perhaps that will help too!!

And finally - getting the alarm settings right is helping. I don’t mind telling it everything that I’m doing food wise (it seems second nature now) but I had all the alerts apart from urgent low silenced because the system got too chatty for my liking and kept telling me about every signal loss etc - I’ve now switched back on low soon and fast fall rate so I can correct BEFORE it all goes pear shaped.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really appreciate the detailed description.

Since original post (made after a wipeout hypo post first few workout attempts) I’ve had better results with better forward planning. I tend to do my excercise in the evening so have been presetting an ease off period for 2hrs before and an hour after planned workout time and ensuring I have a meal on board with reduced bolus and post exercise oat smoothie.

I hadn’t thought of splitting the meal insulin between straight up bolus and add meal so think I’ll play around with that next. Hopefully it will reduce the need for sipping juice in water to keep going through the session

I’m hoping to start a weekend morning session soon too so will see if that makes a difference.

Also thank you for the reminder to calibrate - I don’t think I’ve been doing this regularly enough so perhaps that will help too!!

And finally - getting the alarm settings right is helping. I don’t mind telling it everything that I’m doing food wise (it seems second nature now) but I had all the alerts apart from urgent low silenced because the system got too chatty for my liking and kept telling me about every signal loss etc - I’ve now switched back on low soon and fast fall rate so I can correct BEFORE it all goes pear shaped.
Its incredibly frustrating to hit a low as soon as you do anything, I know And It sounds like you are doing really well. I don’t calibrate very often, and usual dex is pretty accurate, but it cant hurt I think, especially after a sensor change. I also have most alarms off except for urgent low and fall rate. Fall rate can really help catch an impending hypo early. Sending you a camaps high-five.
Hello! I’m a CamAPS user (and have been for 3.5 years) and have been having so much trouble with connectivity issues ever since updating the app in March. I’m in touch with CamAPS about it and they are trying to resolve it but I wondered if anyone else is having/has had the same experience and has any wisdom/tips/hope to share? I am currently pregnant and worried about whether I can continue to use it. The signal loss is crazy!
Hello! I’m a CamAPS user (and have been for 3.5 years) and have been having so much trouble with connectivity issues ever since updating the app in March. I’m in touch with CamAPS about it and they are trying to resolve it but I wondered if anyone else is having/has had the same experience and has any wisdom/tips/hope to share? I am currently pregnant and worried about whether I can continue to use it. The signal loss is crazy!
Could it be an issue with your phone rather than the CamAPS software? Just thinking that a few people have had problems with Libre dropping out recently and losing connection. There is also the possibility that solar flares are impacting connection.
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